Hey Babes, I’m Back

It’s been a while since I was around to annoy you all.

Jaxon Lee Rose
8 min readDec 31, 2023

We’re only 4 hours away from New Years here in New Zealand, and my ADHD ridden brain is in full-reset-feeling mode.

I don’t know how or why, but I feel like, as the minutes tick down, the last year of feeling low, struggling, depression and out of control ADHD is about to reset and all be wiped clean for a new start.

At the same time, the last New Years feels like it was only a few weeks ago.

It’s silly, honestly, it’s just a date. An arbitrary date we humans have marked as a new turning of the sun, but in the last few days it’s made me feel more motivated, bouncy, happy, and ready to tackle the projects and tasks that my executive dysfunction has been railing against all year long. Suddenly the brick walls standing in my way feel like they’re crumbling, maybe not entirely, but there’s cracks and holes.

That said, I’m currently 5 drinks in for the night and I’m a lightweight, so I might regret this blog tomorrow.

So where have I been for the last *checks notes* 3 years? Well a lot happened in that time period.

Leading up until 2020 I’d been posting here regularly. Regularly enough to be getting a solid few bucks per month. Not life changing money, not side hustle…



Jaxon Lee Rose

Dark Fantasy Writer | 3D Artist for Bella Nacht Minis | Narrative Designer for Ghost Moth Games